BABES Inc Hats Off Lip-Sync Challenge Early Bird Registration Ends March 31!   BABES Inc Lip Sync Challenge and the Hats Off! 2018 Awards and Reception Event. When: Friday, April 27, 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM Where: The Radisson Paper Valley Hotel Ballroom in Appleton Cost: Early Bird pricing $60 until March 31, $75 after,… Read More

Congress Passes Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018:  On 2/9/18, Congress passed, and the President signed into law, P.L. 115-123—the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Budget Act). In addition to funding the federal government through March 23, the Budget Act retroactively extends through tax year 2017 over 30 extender provisions. These include the deduction for qualified… Read More

Our Tax Season has begun! IRS is officially accepting E-File Tax Returns beginning Jan. 29! To Reserve an appointment call: (920) 277-2991; Email:   We have many NEW convenient methods for you to have your taxes prepared! Appointments: We are currently booking appointments all day Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Evening appointments are also available… Read More

Government has shut-down. However, tax due dates remain effective.  Thus, employers and small businesses should continue to file their W-2’s and 1099’s by Jan. 31, 2018.  Individuals should file tax returns and pay any tax owed by April 17, 2018. An extension can be filed which automatically extends the due date to file your tax return by… Read More

Yes, we know the standard deduction has doubled, the personal exemption is gone, and tax rates for corporations have decreased. But what about all the other stuff buried within those 500+ pages of tax law? Here are some provisions for individuals, some of which have become common to many taxpayers such an unreimbursed employee expenses.… Read More

        …said No Taxpayer EVER!                 Luckily, We Do!!  Well, I’m sure by now you have heard of the new Tax Law that became effective January 1, 2018. This new law makes a plethora of changes to the tax code, some permanent and some that will expire on December 31, 2025. Fortunately,… Read More

Tax Season Begins January 29! The Internal Revenue Service announced the tax season will begin Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. The IRS reminds taxpayers that, by law, the IRS cannot issue refunds claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) before mid-February. While the IRS will process those returns when… Read More

IRS has not yet announced a date that it will begin accepting individual tax returns for the 2018 tax filing season. At the present time, the IRS is continuing to update its programming and processing systems for 2018. Watch my blog for upcoming announcements and updates.  … Read More

Tax Bill Becomes Law Today! Earlier this morning, the President signed “The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” into law which becomes effective January 1, 2018. This new law makes a plethora of changes to the tax code, some permanent and some that will expire on December 31, 2025. Fortunately, tax returns prepared in early 2018… Read More